Ms. Sangeeta Gulati

Grant Category: Distinguished Fulbright Awardee in Teaching
Field of Specialization: Mathematics
Name: Ms. Sangeeta Gulati  
Official Address and Designation: Academic Coordinator & Head of Mathematics
Sanskriti School
Dr. S Radhakrishnan Marg
New Delhi 110 021
Telephone (O): 91-11-26883336       
Duration of Grant: Four months
Project Title: Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
Abstract of Project :
During my Fulbright grant, I aim to develop a curriculum that will integrate technology with classroom teaching and learning of mathematics. I believe that the use of technology in the teaching of mathematics not only develops reasoning and critical thinking skills but also makes the subject more interesting and enjoyable for students. I will also learn how to use specially designed softwares such as Geometer's Sketchpad and Geogebra.

I also plan to study how the use of technology affects the attitude of students towards Mathematics and Geometry in particular. I look forward to collaborating with other DAT teachers. Upon return to India, I will disseminate the use of technology enabled teaching in mathematics and empower my colleagues.

Academic Background :
M.A. Mathematics University of Delhi, Delhi 1989
B.Ed. Mathematics Annamalai University, Chennai 1993
M.Ed. Education Annamalai University, Chennai 1994
Professional Background :
Academic Coordinator Sanskriti School, New Delhi 2009- till date
Head, Department of Mathematics Sanskriti School, New Delhi 2000- till date
PGT , Mathematics Springdales School, New Delhi 1990-2000
Ms. Sangeeta Gulati